October 2015 – October 2017
Name of the project: ‘Rural development after the floods’
Value of the project: 240.000.00 EUR
The aim of the project is for us to contribute to decreasing the poverty of the rural population threatened by the floods in the Western Serbia, by improving the social-economic situation for at least 100 agricultural households on the territory of the city of Sabac.
The expected results of the project:
- Capacities of the small agricultural producers increased through training organization for the business skills and agricultural seminars for at least 100 agriculturists;
- Formed social enterprise with at least 20 subcontractors – agricultural producers;
- 4 mobile drying chambers purchased and the equipment for the transport of the drying chambers for the social enterprise;
- Raising the awareness of the people in Serbia of the benefits of the organic production, problem of the collective and land grab through organization of the conference in Sabac and Belgrade, printing the brochures and campaigns through social media.
The project is conducted with the financial and direct support in the implementation of the city of Sabac and Directorate of Agriculture of the city of Sabac, with the partnership of NGOs Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Austria and Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC).
The project is finances by Austrian Development Agency.