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10 beneficiaries received grants in Pirot – Reintegrate II


In Pirot, equipment for self-employment was delivered to 10 beneficiaries of the “Reintegrate II – further support for sustainable (re)Integration of returnees in Serbia” project. In addition to the grants, beneficiaries also received mentorship support and counseling for more successful business operations. Furthermore, all beneficiaries expressed readiness to register their businesses in their applications.


The following occupations will be supported within the self-employment component: hair and beauty salon (with elements of an educational center), educational and linguistic center, carpentry workshop, online language school, holistic center – Healers Hands, teaching foreign languages, translation, and copywriting, beauty salon, photography studio, processing and preparation of fruits and vegetables, soil preparation for their production, decoration and sale of flowers and balloons.









The current results of the “Reintegrate II” project in Pirot include:

  • Employment of 30 beneficiaries with 13 employers
  • Allocation of 15 greenhouses in Pirot and the region
  • Support for an additional 10 beneficiaries in the self-employment component
  • Organization of training sessions for 26 beneficiaries in requalification and qualification
  • Establishment of the Dobrosusedski Club Pirot
  • Conducting over 197 workshops for more than 350 children and youth
  • Holding two seminars aimed at strengthening local social services
  • Issuing a public call for support for social initiatives in the territory of the city of Pirot

Through various project activities in Pirot, more than 400 beneficiaries will be supported to strengthen their economic and social status through packages of economic, psychosocial, and institutional support.

The project is led by the German organization ASB (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), with the implementing partner being the Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC) from Belgrade. The beneficiary districts in the project are the Pirot, Rasina, and Raška districts. In Pirot, the local partner is the Ternipe Association. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) with the support and co-financing of the City of Pirot.