Home > Actual > Round table “How to Reach the Sustainable Return of IDPs to Kosovo*”
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The round table “How to Reach the Sustainable Return of IDPs to Kosovo” was organized today in hotel Holiday inn, Belgrade by IDC, within the framework of the project “Return as a step forward”.

The round table brought together the most prominent organizations and institutions in the field of internal displacement, and on this occasion we presented the study “Sustainable Return of IDPs to Kosovo * as a step forward”. The study presents an analysis of past experiences and problems related to the return of IDPs and  recommendations on how to strengthen efforts to increase, the currently devastatingly low, percentage of sustainable return of internally displaced persons to Kosovo*.

Within the round table we had an opportunity to hear expert discussions and authentic testimonies of returnees, but the strongest effect was made by the presentation of examples of good practice of a returnee group in the village of Ljubozda in the municipality of Istok, which proved that there are no insurmountable obstacles when there is a strong desire to achieve one of the basic human rights – the right to return to their own home and homeland.

The round table and the study are part of the  project Return as a step forward, financed by the European Union through the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia. The project is implemented by IDC in cooperation with OCD Proaktiv and the Municipality of Vrnjacka Banja.