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Strengthening the ecosystem of social entrepreneurship

Duration of the project: 1/5/2022 – 30/4/2023

Project budget: 2,945,000 RSD

The overall objective of the project:

Contribution to the implementation of the newly adopted Law on Social Entrepreneurship and the institutionalization of social entrepreneurship through:

  1. integrating the needs of local communities into policies of importance for the development of social entrepreneurship.
  2. promotion of social entrepreneurship in local communities.

Main activities on the project:

  1. Organization of consultative meetings at the local level on the needs of the community in order to define the policies that need to be improved in order to contribute to the development of social entrepreneurship;
  2. Development and implementation of an online tool for submitting comments for mapping the needs of the local community that can be met through social entrepreneurship;
  3. Defining recommendations for the improvement of policies in the field of social entrepreneurship;
  4. Organization of a national consultative meeting with the aim of advocating for the integration of recommendations into the Social Entrepreneurship Development Program;
  5. Preparing a campaign to inform citizens about social entrepreneurship;
  6. Implementation of the information campaign.

Project coordinator and lead applicant: Coalition for the Development of Solidarity Economy

The project is implemented within the framework of the ACT project, which is implemented in partnership of Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and Civic Initiatives, and which is financed by the funds of the Swiss Government.