Delivery of machines and tools for business start-ups for members of hard-to-employ groups in Novi Pazar
In Novi Pazar, we started delivering machines and tools for business start-ups for members of hard-to-employ groups beneficiaries of the project Novi Pazar for new jobs.
A total of 15 unemployed persons from the hard-to-employ categories, with special emphasis on returnees under the readmission agreement, Roma and young people under 30 years of age, will receive support through the provision of a subsidy for self-employment, as well as support in the form of education and mentoring.
A total of 30 people applied for the public call within the self-employment component, who had the opportunity to undergo training for starting a business and develop individual business plans with the help of mentors. Based on the evaluation of developed business ideas and the scoring of user applications, 15 people were selected who will receive further support in the form of equipment and mentoring.
Some of the occupations for which the supported users will receive support for starting their own business are photo and video production, sugar bagging, ceramic and granite installation, slab furniture production, confectioner, digital pattern production, florist and decorative studio, organic juice production and more.
The project “NEW MARKET FOR NEW JOBS” is realized within the program Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups – Inclusion Initiative 3, financed by German Development Cooperation and implemented by GIZ.
The project is implemented by the City of Novi Pazar in cooperation with the Regional Development Agency of Sandžak – SEDA, Merhamet Sandžak and IDC.