Home > Actual > Business trainings within the project LSG 4 LAP – Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
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In August, 4 two-day business trainings were held within the LSG 4 LAP project – Durable Solutions for IDPs and Returnees through Partnership. The trainings were held for potential beneficiaries in the City of Smederevo and the municipalities of Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka and Kovin.

During the training, with the support of IDC’s economic advisor, the participants developed individual business plans for ideas with which they applied for economic grant support. During the first day of training, participants were introduced to the legal framework for starting their own businesses and the support measures provided through the National Employment Service, Ministry of Agriculture and other institutions. In addition, during the first day they acquired knowledge and basic skills in the field of business communication and correspondence, as well as in the field of marketing. The second day was dedicated to presenting models for testing business ideas and developing business plans. Afterwards, the IDC team dedicated themselves to each participant in order to develop as detailed a business plans as possible.






Training for starting your own business is one of the mandatory steps in the process of selecting beneficiaries for support in the form of economic empowerment packages. 72 persons from the category of internally displaced persons and returnees under this Readmission Agreement from these 4 local governments applied for this type of support. At least 40 beneficiaries will be supported by awarding an economic grant to buy equipment and materials to start a new business or upgrade an existing business.

The LSG 4 LAP project – Durable Solutions for IDPs and Returnees through Partnership is implemented by IDC in partnership with the City of Smederevo and the municipalities of Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka and Kovin. The project is funded by the European Union under the program “Improvement of Living Conditions for Internally Displaced Persons and Returnees under the Readmission Agreement in the Republic of Serbia”.