Employment for 35 beneficiaries of the Reintegration II project in Kruševac and Pirot
During the previous week, contracts on the allocation of subsidies to employers from Pirot and Kruševac for the employment of persons belonging to hard-to-employ categories were signed. A donation worth EUR 3,750 was awarded to 13 companies, which will employ 35 people, beneficiaries of the Reintegration II project, of which 5 companies in Kruševac will employ 16 beneficiaries and 8 firms in Pirot, which will employ 19 beneficiaries.
Both cities are currently undergoing training to strengthen employability competencies. A total of 44 beneficiaries attend training for occupations, of which 18 beneficiaries in Krusevac, and 26 beneficiaries in Pirot. Half of this number are women.
In both cities, training for starting one’s own business was held, and 43 beneficiaries passed. Their business ideas in the further course of the project can receive support in the form of a grant for self-employment.
Apart from these two cities, the project is being implemented in Novi Pazar and Dimitrovgrad. Measures of economic empowerment, psycho-social support, and strengthening of local capacities for social inclusion are implemented in all cities.
More information about the project is available on the project website reintegration.net and through our website.
The project holder is ASB Serbia (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), the implementer of IDC, and the user districts of the project are Pirotski, Rasinski, and Raski County. The project was financed by the funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.