National workshop “Youth Against Cyberbullying”
Our frontrunners who spent 7 days in Denmark on the training “Youth Against Cyberbullying” held the first national workshop in Serbia. The workshop was held on Friday, June 3, 2022 at the Preljina Elementary School in Čačak. The workshop was held in cooperation with the Youth Office from this city and was attended by more than 45 students who are currently attending the 8th grade.
During the workshop, young people passed on the knowledge they gained in Denmark to their peers, but they also talked about their motivation to apply for this training, the experience of participating in #Erasmusplus training, they talked about impressions from Denmark and young people from Italy, France, Hungary, Croatia and Denmark they met there.
“As our lives, and especially the lives of children, take place more and more in the online sphere and with the use of digital technologies, social facts such as violence are gaining their specific digital forms. Although maybe less recognized, they can have equally dangerous consequences for the psychological and physical integrity of an individual. That is why it is important that we work together to identify harmful forms of behaviour on the Internet, whether we are in the role of a victim or a perpetrator. Violence can happen to anyone, it is not a shame to talk about it “- is one of the main messages from the workshop.
More interesting content from the #youthagainstcyberbullying project coming soon!
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Project is funded by Erasmus plus and implemented by FIC, Denmark, in partnership with CEAMEA, France, ARCI Liguria, Italy, PSG, Hungary, Solidarna, Croatia, IDC, Serbia and with the support of SOLIDAR Foundation, Belgium