SOLIDAR is the European and worldwide network of civil society organizations which is working in the area of improvement of social justice in Europe and in the world.
SOLIDAR counts more than 50 members of organizations from 26 countries (of which 22 of them are EU countries). The members of SOLIDAR are national, European and Pan-European organizations working in one or more fields and areas of work of SOLIDAR. All members of SOLIDAR share the devotion to the principles of solidarity, equality and equal participation. IDC became the member of SOLIDAR in August of 2013.
SOLIDAR stands on behalf of its members in front of the international and European institutions by actively lobbying, but it also offers services of project management, coordination, monitoring of politics implementation and raising the awareness of the questions which are important for its members.
SOLIDAR works with the organizations of civil society, labor movement and political parties which share our values. SOLIDAR is a member of SOCIAL PLATFORM (European platform of social NGOs), CONCORD (EU NGO confederation for aid and development) and Lifelong Learning Platform (European civil society for education).Check out the list of all the partners and allies.
SOLIDAR is founded in 1948 in order to enforce the international cooperation of the organizations working in the area of social aid and labor movement. In the first period, the name of organization was International Labor Aid, but after the the establishment of its bases in Brussels in 1995, the organization changed its name to SOLIDAR. You can find out more about the history of SOLIDAR here.