Perspectives of inclusion: Civic dialogue on work integration of persons with disabilities
This week in Novi Pazar, the IRIS network organized a social dialogue entitled “Perspectives of Inclusion” – Social dialogue on the work integration of persons with disabilities from the position of different actors in the community, which dealt with the position of people with disabilities in the community, with a special focus on the work integration of this group and the challenges facing various actors in the community.
The dialogue brought up together representatives of organizations that are members of the network that deal with the work integration of people with disabilities, as well as representatives of the institutional sector of the City of Novi Pazar, among whom the most prominent were members of the City Council, the Center for Social Work and the National Employment Service, employers and other interested parties who work with this group such as the Association of Enterprises for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, CDP “Ivanjica”, Association “Will for Life”.
The main topics for discussion included the position and needs of people with disabilities in the local community, as well as the obstacles and challenges they face in real practice, legal restrictions and other market obstacles that hinder their work engagement, the role of institutions and their support, as well as their wider integration and work engagement in the profit sector and social enterprises. So, through the exchange of good practices, they would arrive at recommendations that could help improve the position of this group in the future.
The event was organized within the project “IRIS Progres – Strengthening the capacity of service providers in the community and participation in public policies” financed by the European Union and implemented by the citizens’ association Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC).