The volunteer program of IDC has a goal of forming, maintaining and expanding of the volunteer network of IDC volunteers, as well as the promotion of volunteering and encouragement of the social engagement of youth with the aim of providing the support to the local communities.
IDC has started developing its Volunteer program in May 2014, when we opened our door to dozen of young, enthusiastic people with the urge to help their fellow citizens threatened by floods in all parts of Serbia. From that point, IDC has been actively working on the organization and coordination of volunteer activities, raising the capacities of IDC volunteer group through different trainings, developing and expanding the volunteer network of IDC, the promotion and encouragement of volunteering in Serbia.
IDC received the official accreditation in 2015 for sending the volunteers to the short term/long term volunteering within Erasmus + Youth in Action program, and the first group of volunteers will start the long term volunteer engagement in 2016.
IDC also became the member of working group for measuring the influence of volunteering in 2015, more precisely the International network VolontEurope, which promotes volunteering, civic activism and expansion of social justice in Europe and even further beyond.
The experience of volunteering itself brings numerous benefits in the form of the development of social, career and personal goals, the most important of which are:
- developing a personal sense of purpose, community, solidarity and empathy
- strengthening social skills and teamwork
- networking with people who share the same values and goals
- gaining significant experience for later career development such as communication, speed, resourcefulness, initiative
- development of motor skills and improvement of physical activity