July, 2017 – December, 2017.
Children rights without borders
Project value: 30.000 EUR
The project is aimed at increasing the quality of the assistance provided to migrants – asylum seekers and persons likely in need of international protection accommodated in reception centers in Sid, Subotica, Sombor and Dimitrovgrad. The project presents coordinated and effective response to medical, humanitarian and protection needs of direct target groups in 4 local self-governments in Serbia. Project is carefully planned to include following components: medical assistance in the form of medicines and medical supply to be used by existing IDC medical teams, protection of children and unaccompanied minors, direct service delivery in the form of humanitarian aid provision and youth activism.
Expected results:
• Distribution of prescribed medicines and medical supply by existing and operational IDC medical teams in Sid, Subotica and Dimitrovgrad for total of 2.500 beneficiaries.
• Distribution of food and non-food items to beneficiaries in Sid, Subotica, Sombor and Dimitrovgrad for at least 500 beneficiaries.
• Organization of 20 events with children in order to promote sports, occupational and recreational skills of children and youth.
• Support to the work of 2 working groups in terms of promotion of full implementation of human rights and monitoring on the field.
• Positive attitudes towards integration of refugees and migrants promoted and general awareness on the issues of the mixed migration raised.
Project is financed by Laboratorios Viñas.