August 2015 – February 2017
Name of the project: ‘Continued support in reconstruction of houses and economic revitalization of the flooded areas in Serbia’
Project value: 3.000.000,00 EUR
The project stands for the continuation of the project which started in August 2014, with the aim to provide support in establishing the normal living condition and public infrastructure for the families affected by the floods in Serbia in May 2014. With this project we provide the support in establishment of normal living conditions and economic revitalization of the families affected by the floods in the municipalities of Valjevo, Sid, Ljubovija, Mali Zvornik, Osecina, BajinaBasta, Loznica, Sabac and Obrenovac.
The expected results of the project:
- Reconstruction of the houses for at least 475 families whose houses were the most damaged;
- Prefabricated houses intended for at least 15 families whose houses were completely ruined;
- Furniture and home appliances intended for at least 15 families;
- Aid for the revitalization of the economic activities for at least 150 micro and small enterprises affected by the floods.
The project is conducted by NGOs Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund SEE, Housing Center, Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac and Initiative for Development and Cooperation. IDC is in charge, together with its colleagues from the Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac, for the implementation of the economic components of the project.
Project is financed by the European Union.