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Contributing to monitoring the sustainability of the regional housing program through participatory collection of socio-economic data on beneficiaries

Total budget: 8,000 EUR

Project duration: May 2020 – October 2020

The goal of the project is to collect socio-economic data from 600 families through surveys, which received permanent housing solutions within the regional housing program.

The goal of the project is to collect socio-economic data from the beneficiaries of the regional housing program in order to examine its sustainability.

The survey will be conducted by young interviewers who will collect socio-economic data on 600 families in 81 municipalities, which have received permanent housing solutions within the regional housing program.

The survey is conducted by the Citizens’ Association Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC) within the project “HELP – Contribution to the access of refugees and displaced persons to employment rights and opportunities”, funded by the European Commission, and implemented by the Center for Regionalism as a member of the Igman Initiative.