Employment Endeavors for Roma and Returnees – E2R2
Project duration: November, 1st, 2021 – October, 31st, 2022
Total budget: 151.764,90 EUR
Objective: Enhancing effective cooperation models for Roma labour market inclusion
- At least 60 Roma and returnees who finalized successfully basic business trainings;
- At least 10 Roma and returnees who successfully finalized on the job trainings;
- At least 15 beneficiaries supported with mentoring and equipment for both, business start-ups and improvements of existing businesses;
- At least one new cooperative established (9 members/beneficiaries) and one existing supported in developing their business (16 members/beneficiaries);
- At least 16 stakeholders in the local support networks for Roma employability.
Project is implemented in partnership with Know How Centre.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) through the German Office for International Cooperation in Serbia – GIZ.