July, 2018 – July, 2019
Naziv projekta: LGBTI in protection-sensitive migration management
Budget: 12.000 EUR
Project is supported by ASB Deutchland and Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund LV Nordrhein-Westfalen. The focus of the project are LGBTI refugees. LGBT persons in the migrant population are affected by repression in countries of origin, but they face discrimination and violence on the flee.
Within the IDC project, we will try to encourage the inclusion of this group in position of double vulnerability, in the provision of assistance, counseling and psycho-social support and awareness raising on the rights and position of LGBTI refugees in Serbia.
IDC will develop a guide on working with LGBTI people in a migration context. The guide can be used by other stakeholders, but it can be applied to other specific vulnerable groups in the context of providing humanitarian assistance in Serbia.
IDC is a member of the IRIS network, a network of civil society organizations that gathers a large number of organizations providing social services for migrants among other groups of population. Information on the activities and results of the project supported by ASB and ASB NRV will also be shared through communication channels of the network in order to encourage the inclusion and development of services for this vulnerable group throughout the region.