Home > projekti > LSG 4 LAP – Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership
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Duration of the project: July, 2018 – June, 2020

Title of the project: LSG 4 LAP – Durable solutions for IDPs and returnees through partnership

Budget: 526.020,00 EUR

Overall Objective of the Action:

To support improvement of the living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in the Republic of Serbia.

Specific objectives:

1) To support improvement of the living conditions of IDPs and returnees from readmission process in Smederevo, Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana and Kovin;2) Improvement, promotion and realisation of 4 Local Action Plans (LAP).

2) 4 LAPs promoted and supported in implementation.

The project is implemented in partnership with City of Smederevo and Municipalities of Smederevska Palanka, Velika Plana and Kovin.

Estimated results:

  • 35 beneficiary families (155 individuals) finalize the construction of their houses or improve the existing living conditions through the delivery of building material packages.
  • 13 beneficiary families (57 individuals) become owners and start living in the village house purchased within the Action.
  • 40 beneficiaries receive training and mentoring support in business start-up and make a proper use of it.
  • 40 beneficiaries receive in-kind support for the start-up of their business and create self-employment.
  • 1 LAP developed until the end of the Action.

Project is funded by the European Union.