Novi Pazar – New Jobs
Total value: 200.000 eur
Novi Pazar – New Jobs aims to contribute to the overall increase in employability through employment of hard-to-employ categories (returnees under the readmission agreement, Roma, women and youth) as well as other hard-to-employ categories in accordance with the National Employment Strategy 2010-2020 and other relevant national and local strategies and plans.
The Project will reach following results:
- 40 beneficiaries undergone business start-up training;
- 20 beneficiaries that underwent business start up training got grants for self-employment including the support for registry of economic entity and mentoring;
- 30 beneficiaries went through retraining or additional qualification training in order to get education and acquire necessary knowledge and skills for the employment within the subvention for the employer component;
- Two associations of citizens with a clear social mission, supported in the acquisition of working assets for development of social entrepreneurship component;
- Positive employment measures and dialogue of relevant actors promoted with the aim of strengthening the capacities of local authorities and other stakeholders.
Project is realised with support of German International Cooperation Office in Serbia (Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ))
Project is implemented by City of Novi Pazar, IDC and Sandžak Regional Development Agency.