June, 2017 – December, 2018
Rights without borders
Total value of the project: 15.000 eur
Overall objective: To contribute to the protection and promotion of human rights of migrants, and asylum seekers passing through Serbia.
Specific objectives:
- Improvement and continuation of provision of primary medical assistance to migrants and asylum seekers in reception centers in Subotica and Sid.
- Improvement and continuation of provision of volunteer support in provision of assistance to migrants and asylum seekers in reception centers in Subotica and Šid.
This project will contribute to strengthening the capacity of the IDC medical team to actively monitor the respect of human rights of migrants in the field of health care. The IDC volunteer team will be engaged in the realization of awareness raising events in the local community aiming to promote the respect of the human rights of migrants on the route through Serbia.
The project is being realized within the grant scheme “Help on the Route”, implemented by Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation owing to the EU funds, in cooperation with Arbeiter-Samariter Bund Serbia, Humanitarian Center Novi Sad and Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Macedonia.