Home > projekti > School of Journalism for Children and Youth – a step towards competencies for modern society
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Project title: School of Journalism for Children and Youth – a step towards competencies for modern society

Duration of the project: 15/01/2019 – 15/08/2019

Total budget: 8,000 CHF

Project goals:

  • Contribution to educational activity in the local environment through the school of journalism and the occupational activities.
  • Encouraging youth activism and career planning.
  • Development of competencies for contemporary society, including digital, collaborative, social and civic and communication skills.  
  • Promoting cultural values ​​and content among young people.


  • Educational workshops with selected users in the field of journalism, information and communication technologies, children / human rights, team roles and cooperation, ecology, contemporary occupations.
  • Starting an electronic and printed magazine.
  • Creating media content through fieldwork (public opinion polls, interviews, reportage, etc.).
  • Prize – Educational trip for participants in the project.

The project is being implemented in Čačak thanks to the funds of the Municipality of Zolikon.