Project duration: March 5, 2020 – August 31, 2021
The support provided by the Project includes:
Business trainings – trainings for starting one’s own business or increasing the volume of one’s own business / agricultural production and development of individual business plans – at least 100 users
Subsidies for self-employment in the form of procurement and donation of machinery, equipment, and raw materials for starting your own business in accordance with an individual business plan, implemented by GIZ with the funds of the German development cooperation project “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia” – 60 beneficiaries
Business mentoring and business consulting for the implementation of individual business plans – 60 users
The project is implemented within the broader project of German development cooperation “Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia”, implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation GIZ in Serbia in accordance with GFA consulting group.