Total budget: 164.694 EUR
Project duration: October 2019 – December 2020
The project objective is increasing the employability of returnees under the readmission agreements, Roma and other hard-to-employ categories through training programs tailored to the needs of the local labour market, employment support and self-employment support programs and the development of social entrepreneurship in Novi Pazar and Tutin.
Through diversified employability and employment measures the project will support:
- 50 individuals belonging to hard-to-work population groups
- 10 buissnesses
- 2 citizen associations
- local community and other actors at local and regional level
The project is funded by the German International Cooperation Organization / Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
The project is being implemented by the City of Novi Pazar in cooperation with the Municipality of Tutin, IDC, Sandzak Regional Development Agency – SEDA and Muslim Humanitarian Society Merhamet – Sandzak.