In the city of Sabac, on November 12 in 2015, we presented the project ‘Rural development after the floods’ to the gathered press and interested citizens, the project which will be implemented in the next two years on the territory of the city of Sabac. The project is conducted by ASB Austria and Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC), together with the Local Authority of the city of Sabac and Directorate for agriculture. The project is financed by Austrian developing agency, city of Sabac and implementation partners.
Speaking at the promotion of the project, the Executive Director of IDC, Miodrag Nedeljkovic, stated that the most important aim of the project is the empowerment of small agricultural producers and lowering the rate of poverty in the rural part of the western Serbia, with the special focus on the employment of the people who are in a bigger social need and fall into the category of those who are hard to employ.
The mayor of the city of Sabac, NebojsaZelenovic, who also attended the promotion, supported the implementation of the project by saying: ‘I believe that the project will help our people to produce and earn more, but that the project will also clear the path for the city of Sabac for the new and extensive projects, because we share the high expectations from the agriculture’.
You can find out more about the event on the internet page TV Sabac and Beta.