The general objective of the WISEs4Youth project is to develop training and mobility
activities for social entrepreneurial skills development targeting potential young social
entrepreneurs in Western Balkans.
As part of the project, a group of young (potential future) social entrepreneurs visited
companies in this order in Albania, Serbia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Slovenia. The enterprises were selected by project partners with an aim to present examples of successful social business models, their variety and to promote the social impact of these businesses.
This publication represents a compound of social economy all starts in Western Balkans. It is presenting a short introduction of the social economy context in each visited country as well as the visited enterprises within the project, as a portfolio of best practices which also complement the training modules.
The project was implemented by the ENSIE network in partnership with ACT Group (HRV), SENT (SLO), CDI (SMK), Partners (ALB) and IDC (SRB). The project was financed from the Erasmus+ program: Partnership for cooperation in the field of youth.