Home > Actual > Raspberry seedlings for small agricultural households in the Municipaliy of Lucani
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Owing to the support of the  Municipality of Zolikon from Zurich and the Municipality of Lučani, 48,000 raspberry seedlings were provided for small agricultural holdings from rural areas of the territory of Lučani.

Within the framework of the  project Plant for the community, 15 households from 11 villages from the territory of the Municipality of Lučani received 3,200 seedlings of raspberry  each for setting up plantations on parcels of 20 acres. In the upcoming period, additional equipment for newly-developed plantations will be provided. The aim of the project is to empower people from rural areas by providing them with means for independent agricultural production of raspberry.
Before the procurement of seedlings, the beneficiaries underwent training, took the smaples of the land from their lots for analysis and prepared the land according to expert recommendations. Together with the seedlings, they also received a manual for planting and growing raspberries in the first year where they can find answers to all the concerns they encounter.