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Reintegrate – Support to sustainable (re)integration of returnees in Serbia

Project results for the first year

During the first year of the project „Reintegrate – Support to sustainable (re)integration of returnees in Serbia“ three good neighborhood clubs were opened – Novi Pazar, Sjenica, and Tutin, where psychosocial workshops, legal counseling, and business training took place within the project.

1,426 children, youth, and adults attended the workshops. Children from the returnee population, but also from the domicile population, attended educational and creative workshops as support in mastering school materials. Art sections and regular foreign language classes have been formed. As part of business training, 102 beneficiaries were trained to prepare a business plan, the basics of entrepreneurship, and run their own business, which resulted in 47 prepared business plans for beneficiaries of initial grants.

More than 626 beneficiary families received the legal support provided within the project, in order to be able to collect the necessary documentation and exercise rights guaranteed by the returnee status.

Beneficiaries, as well as the general population, are regularly informed about the activities within the project as well as the support they can receive.

The exceptional cooperation achieved between the project partners exceeded the expectations envisaged for the first year of the project and created excellent conditions for the continuation of activities in 2021.