Report from international volunteer camp “Volunteers for inclusion”, 2017
IDC has successfully realized international volunteer summer camp Volunteers for inclusion, from 31st of July until 13th August, in the City of Sombor, Serbia. The camp has gathered 15 participants from 8 countries all over the world (Spain, Italy, Japan, Canada, Germany, Australia, Portugal and Serbia).
The volunteers dedicated these two weeks to realization of various socially aware activities. The volunteers spent most of their time redecorating and improving the living conditions in Safe house for victims of domestic violence. They have painted the interior walls (around 300 sq. meters of the wall), painted the garden wall (around 150 sq. meters of the wall), cleaned the weeds and high grass from the garden and made garden furniture from the pallets.
Aside from the work in the Safe house the volunteers realized 5 different actions in the transit-reception center for migrants reaching from creative workshops, social games, sport activities for children and youth, music event and joint work action of building and outside faucet for water. The activities engaged around 50 children and at least 30 adults accommodated currently in this center.
Both the activities in the Safe house and in the reception center engaged also the volunteers from local community. More than 10 local volunteers joined various activities within the summer camp and had a chance to exchange the ideas and experiences with international volunteers regarding this and other social issues specific or common to their countries.
Aside from the activities within the reception center the international and local volunteers realized various awareness raising activities together in the City. Volunteers realized several awareness raising street actions dedicated to marking of the International Youth Day. The actions were aiming to draw attention of the vulnerability of youth globally as a social group globally and to promote the need for their active inclusion and participation in the society.
Aside from volunteer work the participants of the camp had a chance to get to know Sombor and Serbia, to experience the culture and get familiar with their cultural heritage and natural environment. They had a chance to learn about life in Serbia, refugee crisis and other social issues through series of events, workshops, presentations and other activities.