On Monday, November 04, 2019, the Partnership contract on the project “Sustainable Communities in Sandzak – From Measure to Career” was signed. The contract was signed by the City of Novi Pazar, as the project coordinator, with the project partners – Municipality of Tutin, Regional Development Agency of Sandzak (SEDA), the Muslim Humanitarian Society “Merhamet – Sandzak” and IDC.
The project is aimed at increasing the employability of returnees under the readmission agreement, Roma and other hard-to-employ categories through training programs tailored to the needs of the local labor market, employment support and self-employment programs and the development of social entrepreneurship in Novi Pazar and Tutin. The main objective of the project is to increase the employment and employability of the target groups by strengthening the capacities of local structures as well as networking at the local and regional level.
Within the project, 40 unemployed people will go through training and retraining programs, as well as training for starting their own business. After the training period, project beneficiaries will be able to start their own business owing to the funds they have received or to find employment with pre-selected employers. In addition, 2 associations of citizens will receive support to develop and improve their own social enterprise. The target group of the project will be primarily returnees under the Readmission Agreement, Roma and young people up to 30 years of age.
The Project Sustainable Communities in Sandzak – From Measure to Career is part of the project Inclusion of Roma and other marginalized groups in Serbia, which is being implemented under German Development Cooperation. The project is being implemented by the German Organization for International Cooperation (GIZ), in cooperation with the Cabinet of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia as the President of the Coordination Body for monitoring the implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia for the period from 2016 to 2025.