Home > Actual > Successfully implemented project “Assistance – Contribution to the access of refugees and displaced persons to rights and employment opportunities”
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We have successfully implemented another project – “Assistance – Contribution to the access of refugees and displaced persons to employment rights and opportunities.”

The result of the work of diligent interviewers within the project is 600 interviews with families who received permanent housing solutions within the Regional Housing Program.

In this way, socio-economic data were collected on the beneficiaries of this program in 81 municipalities in Serbia, which will be used for further planning to monitor the impact of the largest housing program to improve the living conditions of refugees and displaced persons in the region.

Funds for the implementation were provided by the Center for Regionalism as a member of the Igman Initiative within the project “HELP – Contribution to the access of refugees and displaced persons to employment rights and opportunities”, funded by the European Commission, DG NEAR.