Home > Public calls and opportunities > The final list of beneficiaries – APPARTMENTS – adequate housing and active inclusion of vulnerable social groups in Cacak
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As part of the project “Leaving no one behind – adequate housing and active involvement of vulnerable social groups in Cacak”, implemented by the City of Cacak and financed by the European Union, the Committee for the Selection of Beneficiaries adopted the final list of beneficiaries for allocation to the use of an apartment in public ownership in the building that will be built as part of the project in the Obrez settlement.

Konačna rang lista_stanovi

Odluka o dodeli pomoći_ STANOVI

All beneficiaries selected for the allocation of housing solutions within the project will be included in measures of active inclusion, which include measures of employability (retraining, training for starting a business, etc.), measures of employment (grants for starting a business, employment with an employer), equipping the family household with furniture and technique, psycho-social support and provision of social services and legal assistance.

The project is implemented by the City of Cacak in partnership with the City Housing Agency Cacak, the Center for Social Work Cacak, the Institution for the provision of social care services Zracak Cacak and the citizens’ association IDC.