Home > Actual > The last meeting of the M.E.E.T. project has been successfully completed
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The final two-day meeting of the ERASMUS + project M.E.E.T. – Mobility for European Exchange and Training takes place online on June 21st  and 22nd, when we presented to our partners from Austria, Italy, the Czech Republic, and Germany our most commonly used methods of work in the field of social integration of migrants, asylum seekers and other vulnerable groups. In addition, we shared experience from IDC projects in recent years, such as the Lolipop Circus, language support for adult refugees, the “You will never walk alone” project, which aimed to raise awareness of migrant issues and strengthen the capacity of the local community. After reviewing migration flows on the territory of Serbia, we also presented the work of IDC in the field of integration of returnees, internally displaced persons, refugees, providing support to migrants and other vulnerable groups.

We left a special place for our local partner organizations who presented their projects and shared useful working methods with us. The social enterprise Pizza Laganizza shared its story on the work integration of migrants, and the CRPC presented its work in the field of providing legal support and labor integration programs. Sigma Plus and JRS, members of the IRIS Network, presented their work in the field of integration of migrants.


By sharing experience and working methods among partner organizations on the project, we have improved our knowledge in the field of youth work and strengthened relationships with partner organizations. We hope that this was the last in a series of online meetings because, despite a handful of interesting stories, discussions, and knowledge exchange, we missed the dynamics of an informal physical encounter among partners.

ERASMUS + M.E.E.T. – Mobility for European Exchange and Training is a project aimed at improving the competencies of youth workers, expanding their understanding of practices in youth work, and the interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training, and the labor market. The project focuses on young refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, and other particularly marginalized and vulnerable groups of young people.