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Representatives of IDC together with a member of the Government of Zollikon county, Zurich, Mr Bernhart Ecklin, and Mr Nebojsa Račić, director of the gerontology center from Blumenrain Municipality in Zurich, visited Sombor and donated a very valuable donation to the Gerontology Center and the City hospital. The value of the gift is aproximately 250,000 Swiss Francs and the donation consists of 67 motor beds, accompanied with as many special mattresses, 26 special cabinets with a tray, three machines for sterilization of medical equipment, towel dryer and one hydraulic bathtub.

In front of the Gerontology Center in Sombor, the donation was received by the director Mr Zoran Drača and Mr Lazar Račić, a member of the City of Sombor Assembly and the director of the hospital. The donation contract was signed by Mr. Drča and Mr. Pierre Francesco Zanella. Thanks to this donation, the gerontology center replaced the 30 years old furniture, which was in a very bad condition and got almost new sterilization and other equipment devices (2 years old) , whose complete transport and import into Serbia was also financed by Zollikon Municipality.

The Gerontologiy Center in Sombor, as well as many other institutions of social and health care, are facing the problem of outdated equipment and lack of funds to improve the conditions of the accommodation of beneficiaries. Aware of the importance of this donation, and in the spirit of the fact that year 2017 was proclaimed the year of inter-generational cooperation, the Gerontology Center will donate 20 beds to the childbirth center in Sombor.