Even though the Law on peaceful settlement of labor disputes was adopted in 2004, as one of the measures for preventing labor disputed, different factors and circumstances have influenced the fact that this institute remains insufficiently visible and affirmed in our country even 10 years after its implementation. Together with the United Trade Unions ‘Independence’, Federation of Independent Trade Unions and Employer Union of Serbia, we have been working for three years now on increasing the visibility of the institute and overcoming the present limits formed due to the lack of information and distrust of the employees and employers, poor visibility of the Republic Agency for the peaceful settlements of labor disputes, the lack of the legal framework etc., which had the influence on the fact that the judicial protection remains the primary form of the labor rights protection.
Within the project ‘‘Social partners allied in the support of legislative changes of the institute of peaceful settlement of labor disputes’’, financed by Solidar Suisse/Swiss Labour Assistance (SLA) – Office in Serbia, we organized the interactive workshop for the employees and employers on November 6, 2014, with the aim to familiarize them with the institute for peaceful settlement of labor disputes. Followed and directed by the arbitrators and conciliators, the participants successfully performed the simulations of the process of settlements or arbitration in case of labor disputes. During the workshop, the employees were mostly in the roles of the employers and the other way around.