From 21st to 24th of October, the first training was held within the exchange of youth workers on the project M.E.E.T. (Mobility, Exchange, Education and Training) designed to strengthen the competencies of youth workers working with migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The project is implemented by Caritas Vienna in partnership with Caritas Trieste, Pro Job from Germany, People in need from the Czech Republic and IDC. The first meeting was hosted by Caritas Vienna. Three representatives of each organization had the opportunity to discuss the situation of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and their integration, the link between formal and non-formal education, vocational training and the labor market in their countries.
The first day was reserved for presenting organizations as well as current projects, after which the hosts presented their projects focusing on the education of refugee and young children and the methods and techniques they use in working on projects aimed at supporting their integration into Austrian society. We visited Brotfabrik – a kind of center where there is a canteen where various activities for the migrant population are organized, such as kitchen, a music workshop, as well as the Atelier 10 art gallery.
On day two, we focused on the issue of volunteering: what are the mechanisms for volunteer involvement, but also the challenges organizations face when working with them. IDC was represented by Marija Božić, who was engaged in long-term volunteer activities to support Serbian language learning for migrants within IDC projects, Ana Stefanovic from CRPC representing IRIS network and activities for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers implemented within the network and Stefan Vuković, a field worker of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia, who presented the perspective of the Principovac reception center, in which he works and activities implemented within one center.
We have two more meetings ahead of us next year: in Prague in January, and the other one in April in Belgrade to be hosted by IDC. The project is being implemented within the Erasmus + program.