On Friday, November 4, 2022, in the premises of the the City of Pirot a conference was held on the occasion of the Promotion of the project “Reintegration 2 – further support for the sustainable (re)integration of returnees in Serbia“.
The main goal of the project is to contribute to the sustainable (re)integration of returnees and the local socially vulnerable population in central and southern Serbia through economic empowerment, psycho-social support and improvement of institutional capacities for social inclusion.
The project was presented by the mayor of Pirot, Mr. Vladan Vasic, and project partners director of the ASB Serbia organization, Gordan Velev, director of the IDC Miodrag Nedeljkovic, as well as the president of the TERNIPE association, Mrs. Radmila Nesic.
They emphasized that more than 800 beneficiaries will be supported in Pirot district, through strengthening of their economic and social position and supporting their integration into the community.
Support is foreseen through the provision of subsidies for self-employment, various business trainings and VAT, subsidies to employers for opening new jobs and employing returnees and other less employable categories of the population, support for children and young people through the implementation of inclusive workshops, as well as the development of institutional capacities in the field of social protection at the local level.
The total value of the project for the City of Pirot is EUR 400,000.00, and the project will last until April 31, 2025. Information about project activities, open tenders and more will be available on the website of the project, but also of the City of Pirot, partner organizations and associations.
The project lead partner is ASB Serbia (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), the implementing partner is IDC and the beneficiary districts of the project are Pirot, Rasina and Raska districts. The project was financed by the funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.