Employment for another 10 beneficiaries of the Reintegration II project in Pirot
Yesterday, a ceremony was held in Pirot on the occasion of providing support for the self-employment of 10 people from less employable groups, beneficiaries of the Reintegration II project, who will be awarded grants in the amount of EUR 3,000 for starting and supporting business development.
Beneficiaries will receive subsidies for self-employment through the purchase of machines and equipment for starting their own business, mentoring support, counseling, and monitoring.
The ceremonial signing of the contract with the selected beneficiaries was attended by the mayor of the city of Pirot, Vladan Vasić, representatives of the city of Pirot, as well as representatives of the IDC, with the team implementing the Reintegration II project aimed at supporting vegetable farmers and other socially vulnerable residents of the Pirot district through economic, psychosocial and institutional measures support.
Some of the supported occupations are a language school and a speech therapy center, hairdressing – beauty salons and carpentry workshops, as well as photography services and decorations for celebrations. In this way, the offer of the city of Pirot will be additionally enriched with service activities, and the users of the project will have the opportunity to gain stable income for themselves and their families.
Since the beginning of the project, a total of 30 unemployed persons from the harder-to-employ groups have been employed by 13 employers with grants to employers for the opening of a new job and business growth with a total financial support of EUR 112,500.00 provided through the purchase of machinery and equipment.
A total of 15 beneficiaries received greenhouses worth EUR 30,000.00. Over 260 beneficiaries (children and young people) went through and attended psychosocial workshops within the project. In the next two months, training will begin in the retraining component for a total of 26 users from the territory of the city of Pirot.
Read more in the local media report.
The project lead partner is ASB Serbia (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), the implementing partner is IDC and the beneficiary districts of the project are Pirot, Rasina and Raska districts. The project was financed by the funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.