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Employment for another 31 beneficiaries of the Reintegration II project in Novi Pazar

Yesterday, a ceremony was held in Novi Pazar on the occasion of providing support for the employment of 20 people from groups that are hard to employ through the awarding of subsidies to employers. A total of 10 employers received subsidies in the amount of EUR 3,750.00 per newly opened workplace.

On the same occasion, 11 persons from the more difficult-to-employ categories received contracts for the award of subsidies for self-employment, within which each of them will be provided with equipment and machines worth up to 3,000.00 euros to start their own business, with mentoring support and counseling.

The solemn signing of the contract was attended by the mayor of the city of Novi Pazar, Nihat Bisevac, representatives of the City of Novi Pazar, the Regional Development Agency SEDA, and IDC.

In the previous cycle of the Reintegration II project, a total of 22 unemployed persons from hard-to-employ groups were employed by 11 employers with a grant to employers for opening a new job and business growth, and 12 agricultural producers were supported in the procurement of planting material and equipment for the development of raspberry production, with total investment of 112,500.00 euros.

The total value of the project in Novi Pazar is EUR 310,000.00, and the project will last until April 31, 2025. Information about project activities, open tenders, and more is available on the project website www.reintegracija.net.

The project holder is ASB Serbia (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund), the implementer of IDC, and the user districts of the project are Pirotski, Rasinski, and Raski County. The project was financed by the funds of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ.