The second round of applications for the allocation of housing solutions and active inclusion to members of vulnerable social groups in Cacak
Within the project “Leaving no one behind – adequate housing and active inclusion of vulnerable social groups in Čačak”, implemented by the City of Cacak and financed by the European Union, two public calls for assistance in the form of housing solutions and measures of active inclusion are opened.
As part of the first public call, it is possible to apply for assistance in the form of purchasing individual housing units and additional assistance through the procurement and installation of building materials for the repair or adaptation of the housing unit in question.
As part of this public call, 5 housing units will be allocated, of which 2 for families whose members are female victims of domestic violence, 2 for families whose members are Roma, and one for a family belonging to either of these two groups, which achieves a higher number points.
As part of the second public call, it is possible to apply for assistance related to improving the living conditions of a family apartment or house in private ownership, by allocating and installing a package of construction materials for rehabilitation, adaptation or reconstruction of an apartment or family house and providing support through the implementation of active inclusion measures .
This type of support for the improvement of housing conditions will be granted to a total of 6 families, of which 2 families whose members include female victims of domestic violence, 3 families whose members are disabled persons and 1 family whose members include persons of Roma nationality.
All beneficiaries who are selected for the allocation of housing solutions will be included in active inclusion support that consists of measures to increase employability (retraining, training for starting a business, etc.), employment measures (grants for starting a business, employment with an employer), equipping the family household with furniture and household appliances psycho-social support and provision of social services and legal assistance.
Applications for public calls can be submitted in the period from December 7, 2022 to January 12, 2023.
Information about the project and public invitations can also be obtained via the info phone number 064/536-2579, which is available throughout the day, as well as in the premises of the Center for Social Work, at the address Pivarska 1 in Cacak.
All those interested can be informed through an info session, which will be held on Monday, December 12, at 11 a.m., in the City Assembly hall.
The texts of the public calls are available on the website of the City of Čačak and the project partners, as well as on the notice boards. Application forms can be downloaded via the City’s website as well as at the premises of the Center for Social Work, Pivarska 1 (the building of the former Čačanska bank), on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The project is implemented by the City of Cacak in partnership with the City Housing Agency Cacak, the Center for Social Work Cacak, the Institution for the provision of social care services Zračak Cacak and the citizens’ association IDC. The project is part of the “European Union Support for Social Housing and Active Inclusion” program.