WISEs4Youth – Training for Trainers in Ljubljana
Last week, in the framework of the implementation of the WP4 of the WISEs4Youth project, all partners gathered together in Ljubljana for 5 days, in SENT premises for the training for trainers session to learn training modules on social economy and WISEs and on impact measurement and management.
The first three days were devoted to the first training module on “Social economy and WISEs”. Precisely, through training materials partners acquired knowledge on “Social enterprises vs. classic enterprises”, to learn main differences concerning vulnerable groups and their limits, business and market, WISE profitability, business models and profit generation as well as on WISEs presentation, advertisement and image. The last two days were dedicated to the second training module on “Impact management and measurement”. During these two days, partners could understand why to create impact, how to create value and reach sustainable growth as well as how to measure and report impact.
As a next step, from now on until May, all this knowledge will be transferred to young potential future entrepreneurs in partners’ respective countries.
the text is taken from official website of ENSIE Network
WISEs4Youth is an Erasmus + project which aims to create training activities for social entrepreneurial skills development targeting potential young social entrepreneurs in Western Balkans.
The project is implemented by ENSIE network in partnership with ACT Group (CRO), SENT (SLO), CDI (SMK), Partners (ALB) and IDC (SRB)