Home > publikacije > E-brochure “YouthAgainstCyberbullying”
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We live in a digital age, in which we share a large part of our private lives with, sometimes, complete strangers. Violence on the Internet has become one of the main causes of mental, emotional and even psychological problems among young people.

As part of the #YouthAgainstCyberbullying project, we have created an e-brochure where you can familiarize yourself with the definition and examples of cyberbullying, the roles young people play in cyberbullying, what to do if we are a victim of cyberbullying, advice for teachers, parents and other adults and what teachers can do in their classrooms.

The project is implemented within the Erasmus+ program.

Project partners: FIC, Denmark, CEAMEA, France, ARCI Liguria, Italy, Progressive Economic Policy Foundation, Hungary,  Solidarna, Croatia, SOLIDAR Foundation, Belgium and IDC Serbia.