Home > Aktuelno > Prvi volonterski medicinski timovi za pomoć izbeglicamaThe first volunteer medical teams to aid refugees
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U okviru projekta pomoći izbeglicama, koji IDC sprovodi zajedno sa Arbeiter Samariter Bund SEE, prvi volonterski medicinski timovi su ove nedelje izašli na teren. Hvala kolegama iz Dansk Folkehjælp koji su, zahvaljujući svom velikom iskustvu na terenu, našim volonterima pružili podršku u prvim danima.Within the project aiming to provide help for the refugees, that IDC is implementing together with Arbeiter Samariter Bund SEE, first voluntary mobile response teams are on the field this week. Thanks to our colleagues from Dansk Folkehjælp, who provided support for our volunteers in the first days with their extensive field work experience.